Formatting Services

Our manuscript formatting service is ideal for researchers with heavy research tasks. We will format your manuscript to meet the standards of the target journal, so that you can devote more time and energy to scientific research.

Frequently Asked Questions

Exclusive Quality Guarantee?

Ensure that typesetting will follow the guidelines of the target journal and that comments will be added to indicate whether elements necessary for submission are missing. If the editor of the target journal raises any questions about the typesetting of the paper, it will be rearranged free of charge.

My citations use numbers (e.g. [1]), but the journal’s citations use author names (e.g. Author, 2019). Will you repair this?

Yes. Manuscript formatting reorders citations and references as needed, converts citations and references to the journal’s format, and, if necessary, corrects content based on information in published databases.

What are the formatting services?

Modify your page layout, text layout, titles, cover pages, image placement, citations and references to meet the guidelines for the target journal. They will also check the accuracy of your references and indicate whether you need to revise your paper so that your title, short title, abstract, body and legend fit the journal’s word count limit.

Can you format equations in my manuscript?

No, we cannot format equations.

Years of experience




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On the recommendation of a friend, I chose Englishgo. Fortunately, a minor repair made my thesis successfully accepted. It’s not just to modify the grammar, but also to make advanced polishing. Without changing the meaning of the original sentence, I modified the sentence structure, which also taught me a lot.When it comes to professional, expert, quality editing, I highly recommend

Englishgo is a very professional language editing service. My English writing ability is insufficient, I can’t express my intentions, and there are some grammatical errors. According to my partner’s recommend , I chose Englishgo, which was very smooth after the submission. The reviewers and editors did not question the language expression problem.  Here, I deeply expressed Grateful for Englishgo!

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