Our services.
Why choose us?
Each manuscript is edited by expert editors in each field to ensure excellent quality of language editing.
Provide professional customer service within 24 hours.If there is any delay caused by us, we will waive all service charges.
Our privacy policy ensures the confidentiality of manuscripts, and researchers everywhere can safely send manuscripts to us for processing.
Let’s look at all the research topics we can serve.
Meet the team invested in your success
Our people make the difference
Englsihgo is made up of native English-speaking US-educated PhDs, academics, and publishing professionals. Our expertise is unparalleled in the industry. Each member of the Englishgo team is invested in every customer’s individual success.
On the recommendation of a friend, I chose Englishgo. Fortunately, a minor repair made my thesis successfully accepted. It’s not just to modify the grammar, but also to make advanced polishing. Without changing the meaning of the original sentence, I modified the sentence structure, which also taught me a lot.When it comes to professional, expert, quality editing, I highly recommend